楊詠曼·國際金融法論壇 第1講
Bank Resolution: China and Europecompared
ProfessorRodrigoOlivares-Caminalfrom Queen Mary University of London is the OrientalScholar awarded by Shanghai Commission of Education. He specializes ininternational finance and insolvency law. He has acted as a Sovereign DebtExpert for the UNCTAD, Senior Insolvency Expert for the World Bank / IFC and asa consultant to several multilateral institutions in Washington DC and Europe,Central Banks and Sovereign States as well as in several internationaltransactions with Law Firms.
2.Terry Yang🗣,高偉紳律師事務所香港辦公室合夥人
TerryYang is a partner from Clifford Chance, Hong Kong office. He is anup-and-coming figure in the Chinese derivatives space. He specializes inderivatives, structured products and financial regulatory matters, has workedon a number of significant structured finance projects in Greater China,including China Connect, Bond Connect and the establishment of OTC Clear. Terryalso has acted as Director of Asia-Pacific Structured Finance Association.
Professor SONG Xiaoyan is dean of theLaw School of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, juris doctor, majorin international economic law. Elected in the fifth “Shanghai outstanding youthjurist” in 2002. Her teach and research areas include financial law,arbitration law and trade law.